GWD received a letter of thanks from the shipowner of "corneus Maersk"

"Cornelius Maersk" will enter GWD for maintenance on March 28, 2020 and leave the factory on April 26, 2020. The maintenance of the main mechanical and electrical works for ballast water modification, main engine maintenance, etc. In the production management, the project team organized and carried out safety, quality and process planning in advance, strengthened the construction process monitoring throughout the whole process, and completed the production tasks with quality and quantity, which was highly recognized by the ship owner.
Recently, GWD received a letter of commendation from the "Cornelius Maersk" shipowner. The ship owner fully affirmed the work of the members of the project team of the ship, sincerely appreciated the efficient work of the project manager Tang Chaohui, business representative Zhang Honghui, engineering directors Shen Tanjun, Wang Jiyuan, Jin Jianchun and Wu Qishan for their efficient work in the production process, and highly appraised the professional and technical ability and professionalism of the project team members, which made the production task successfully completed. The shipowner said that he was looking forward to cooperating with GWD again and hoped to continue to maintain a friendly and win-win relationship in future projects.