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    GWD is dedicated to explore vessel conversion market. During recent years,   GWD had completed and delivered projects of Lashing Bridge conversion from VLCC to VLOC, Jumbo Lengthening, conversion from bulk carrier to combined carrier.  GWD had gained fruitful result in conversion field.

Contact us

广州文冲船舶修造有限公司 版权所有
广州市南沙区龙穴街启航路10号 邮编: 511462
传真: 020-36666688 Email:office@chengxigz.cn
维护单位:中国船舶工业集团信息科技中心 地址:北京市西城区月坛北街5号
电话:08610-59518822 传真:+8610-59517959 Email:clients@shipbuildingec.com.cn
备案号:粤ICP备 07076892号